Numérologie Février 2020 – Ne prenez pas la route dans le brouillard



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The month of February 2020 has its share of unique gifts and challenges. As we navigate this time it is important to remember the number 4, which is the overall number for 2020. Number 4 represents the themes of process, structure, and order, along with the ability to remain neutral under pressure. What is imperative with the number 4 is to not skip steps.

As we look at the configuration for February, we have the appearance of double 2’s in the Heart calculation (month of 2 + Gift of 2 = 4). This creates another 4, but by a curious route!

The number 2 can be one of the more emotional numbers, as it represents the “Longing to Belong.” This longing can be experienced on a higher devotional level, or it can take a turn into the world of emotional cravings and near obsession. This will affect us in the area of our relationships, as the number 2 also represents boundaries and our protective good judgement.

February is a time to give situations time and space to unfold, allowing the hidden details to slowly reveal themselves. In the positive polarity the number 2 has a detective-like ability to sort through bits and pieces of information, thereby detecting the subtle or hidden clues.

I am going to use a dramatic example to help illustrate this point. We are all saddened by the recent tragic helicopter crash carrying Kobe Bryant, his daughter, and parents of the team players. As I was exploring the information available at the time of writing this forecast, I was stunned to see that the pilot had requested special permission to fly during foggy weather conditions that helicopter pilots were not normally allowed to fly under. As a footnote to this, the L.A. county Police Dept. had grounded all their helicopters at this time.

The month of February has an emotional charge to it, coupled with a sense of urgency. My point in sharing this story is“Don’t fly into a fog bank, even with the best of intentions.” Correctly read the environments, along with the people involved, and then take the most protected path.

Your Neutral Mind is your very own saving grace and savior at this time. Learn to train yourself and your children to adopt a more meditative approach to life such as, “I look at the negative, I look at the positive, and I find the balance for my life in the neutral protected path.”

There are 5 “pivot points” this month, and they are the 2nd, 4th, 13th, 20th, and 22nd. These are the dates when new information needs to be integrated into our decision making process. Give yourself plenty of linear and emotional flexibility in February, as you may find people behaving in an erratic or reactive way. This happens when number 2 goes “Super Negative!” Yes, it’s not always a pretty picture, so you may have an occasional “duck and cover” moment.

Here is something to help you transit this time in good spirit. The Antar Naad Kriya gives you a positive projective psyche, as well as protection against any attacks. Practicing this meditation with the video for 40 days will give you a sense of spiritual support. You can have your personal meditation buddy, partners in the Divine!

On the sunny side of February, we have some interesting developments. While our relationships are going through changes and adjustments, there are new connections ready to step into the empty space someone else has left behind.

As this “turnstile effect” is at play, remember to keep a gentle filter in place as you consider your new options. Experiencing an endless re-run of the same old worn-out drama is not the way to enjoy your life. Say to yourself, “I allow for the new and aligned energies to be my companion and destiny help-mate. The Universe supports me in my best life ever!”

Using your words consciously in this 4 year is a way towards greater effectiveness and achievement. The number 4 represents the words we speak, and number 5 is communication (verbal and non-verbal), number 6 is the projective psyche, and number 7 is the voice. Through positive affirmation and mantra you can pave a way towards your goals, dreams and visions.

We are in quite a time, there is no doubt about it. Everything has accelerated, and many people are finding it difficult to keep up with it all. When you find yourself being caught up in the mass acceleration, stop; find a quiet place, and begin to slow your breath down.

Do this for 3 to 5 minutes and you will be able to safe-guard yourself from impulsive thought patterns. Steer clear of foggy vision, and create a clarity in your own mind that leads you towards right action and safety.

These are exciting and energized times we are all in, and by witnessing the polarity of life we can learn to make better choices for ourselves and others. We are all a missing piece of the puzzle to another’s happier life, and by our words, voice, and actions we can create the most beautiful Soul mosaic of mutual support for each other.

May the Angels guide you and bless you, giving safe passage to the fulfillment of your dreams and the longing of your heart.

Grandes lignes du Feng Shui 2020


L’année du Rat de Métal a commencé le 24 janvier lors de la nouvelle lune.

C’est une année équilibrée et même favorable, le rat étant un animal convivial et joyeux.

Cette année début un cycle de 60 / 180 ans, elle est donc importante de ce point de vue.

Globalement, retenir qu’il ne faut pas perdre son sang froid et demeurer patient. L’humour et le rire seront les meilleures armes pour affronter l’adversité.

Au Centre, l’étoile 7 de la violence et du vol doit être impérativement réprimée. Élément métal elle sera neutralisée grâce à l’élément EAU, préférablement YANG. La couleur bleu foncé, la couleur noir, l’eau en mouvement sont donc privilégiés. Ne pas nourrir la 7 avec des éléments métalliques (couleur blanc, gris) ni surtout de la terre (couleurs naturelles de la terre, objet en terre notamment). Une fontaine sera bienvenu au centre de la maison et au centre de votre salon où vous pourrez utilement installer un tapis bleu foncé.

Faire des offrandes d’encens chaque jour au centre de la maison en répétant le mantra “NAMAH SARVA TATHAGATHA AVALOKITE IL SAMBHARA SAMBHARA HUNG” est un rituel bienvenu.

Au Nord, l’étoile 3 querelleuse. ABSOLUMENT aucun carillon à cet endroit, aucun bruit, éviter d’y passer du temps, ne pas faire de travaux, laisser dans la mesure du possible cet espace au calme. En principe le feu soumet l’étoile 3 mais le Tai Sui est situé dans cette localisation cette année et il est préférable de ne pas le déranger. Deux jolis objets seront installés ici pour ceux qui apprécient, outre le couple usuel de PIA YAO faisant face au Tai Sui, un dragon de feu portant une boule de feu et/ ou une tortue ouvragée.

A l’Est, la CINQ JAUNE qui est une étoile défavorable. Une cure de sel fera l’affaire, tout particulièrement dans un conditionnement en métal. Le métal et objets blancs et gris pourront être installés ici.

Au Sud, l’étoile 2 de la maladie. Elle est réprimée par le METAL également. Une autre cure de sel dans un récipient de métal sera parfaitement à sa place ici. Un joli bouddha de la médecine (bouddha bleu) est idéal également. Les 3 malheurs sont également présents dans cette zone. EVITER de s’asseoir au Sud en faisant face au Nord.

Au Nord/Ouest, l’étoile 8 de la prospérité. Elle est nourrit par le feu et la terre. Il faut la stimuler, n’hésitez pas à installer ici tous les symboles de la prospérité qui appellent votre coeur. Le conseil de l’année est de positionner 6 cristaux, des pierres précieuses et semièprécieuses, l’animal de l’année portant une pièce dans la gueule et si vous disposez d’une fenêtre au N/O accrochez y des cristaux à facette qui seront du plus bel effet en projetant dans toute la maison leurs bienfaits.

A l’Ouest, l’étoile 9 de l’accomplissement et des gains à long terme. Elle se nourrit également de feu et de terre. J’y est installé mon vase de fortune contenant tous mes rêves d’accomplissement, nourrissez la en plaçant ici ce qui constitue pour vous un rappel de vos objectifs.

Au Nord/Est, l’étoile 1 de la Victoire qui se nourrit de métal. Les carillons en métal activeront utilement cette énergie.

Au Sud/Est, l’étoile 6 ou Etoile Céleste qui aime le métal et la terre.

Au Sud/Ouest, l’étoile 4 de la scolarité et de l’amour. Elle aime particulièrement l’eau et éviter ici le feu tout particulièrement si vous voulez la réussite de vos ados à l’école ou à la fac.

L’année est prometteuse pour les jeunes, pour les nouvelles technologies, pour les idées nouvelles et innovantes, pour la créativité.

Sortez des sentiers battus, soyez diplomate, faites appel à vos guides et n’hésitez pas à mobiliser vos mentors.

Bonne année du rat de métal

L’univers vous soutient

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Change is in the air, and everything will be changing! The month of January 2020 brings a new decade and a new spark of creative drive and vision. Opportunities are dancing around us like fire-flies in the air, and as we catch this light it will illuminate a new path for our life’s fulfillment.

The number 1 of January represents the themes of self-reliance, vision, and a balance of the energy between our head and heart. Any place in your life where you have been pressurizing yourself with the word “should,” will now seem intolerable. A shift towards self-compassion is essential, because many people are feeling in their heart, “I just can’t do it this way anymore, I need a way out.”

When the number 1 goes negative, it can be tyrannical, and sometimes we can be tyrannical to ourselves. The intensity of our childhood scripting can make it difficult to change, so let’s take a look at how to break free from being unkind to ourselves.

We all have an addiction on some level, whether it is a bad habit, the need for approval from others, anger as an only option, or wanting love from an unyielding parent. Addiction often rules our behavior and unconscious reactions. This is a limiting and self-defeating way to go through life.

An excellent meditation to practice and teach others this year is the meditation to heal addictions. It is a simple and straight-forward practice, as well as easy for beginners. We need to have “ready tools” with which to help people, as the increase of mental instability is the greatest threat to humanity at this time.

The number 1 represents courage—the courage to speak the truth and take right action. That right action can take many forms, and one of the biggest ways it will be affecting us is in our relationships—knowing what is your responsibility and what isn’t, is the new navigational compass. This is because we have now entered the number 2 decade, and number 2 is all about polarity, balance, and equilibrium. Do not engage in any endeavor where you put your equilibrium at risk. The last thing you want to be hearing yourself say is, “Damn it, I just knew it, why didn’t I listen to myself first?”

The number 1 of January asks us to determine where we can trust the environments and where we need to hold back or walk away. “Self-solidarity” is a theme of the number 1, and as much as it is nice when other people show up for us, know that the Universe has your back when you are balanced. This state of balance and internal equilibrium is the most precious commodity now. You can’t buy it, trade it, or sell it; you can only create it through your spiritual practice.

There is an underlying restlessness throughout January and this because we have the number 5 appearing in the Base calculation (month of 1 + year 2+0+2+0 = 5). When the number 5 shows up we want change, movement, and instant results! It is important to temper this restless or potentially reactive energy with the Neutral Mind. Interestingly, the overall number for 2020 is a 4, which is the Neutral Mind.

No sequence of thought will be successful till it reaches a neutral balance point. The Negative Mind sees the potential danger; the Positive Mind sees the potential positive outcome; and the Neutral Mind determines the most protected path.

Create a new habit by training yourself to think things through in this manner. You will have such an edge over the chaos happening on the planet if you can just simply keep your own mind and house in order.

You can use the number 5 energy to your advantage if you focus on creating changes internally before externally. Number 5 is the physical body, so any shifts in exercise or diet will create a strong foundation for the year.

Something as simple as adding oat milk to your diet can improve your health. Starting your day with a few stretching exercises can improve your circulation and posture. It is important for us all to see where the irritation is internally before trying to fix things externally. We all notice when someone is chronically uptight, and when someone is “smooth.” Ask yourself at this time, “How can I create more smoothness in my life, and be more easy-going?” I think there are definitely a few eucalyptus mineral salt baths in that equation!

Take heart, as we are all a part of a greater unfolding of healing for planet Earth. It is not always easy to see or feel this every waking moment, yet the subtle momentum is always there. Many people are waking up, and as you lend a helping hand to another’s journey know that your path of opportunity is being illumined as you take the very next step.

Kind Blessings, Sat Nam, and Happy New Year.

Numérologie tantrique Novembre 2019 – Un plateau de stars

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We have a star studded line-up of events and cosmic happenings in November, so leave room on your dance card for a little magic and intrigue!

The number 11 of November represents the themes of alliance, synchronicity, purity of intent, and relationships. We will find ourselves examining our relationships, and asking the question, “Am I in harmony, balance, and mutual support with this person, or not?”

There is great opportunity to work out our differences with others as long as we are genuine with ourselves first. If a neighbor is always borrowing your lawn mower and bringing it back with the gas tank empty, it’s time for a chat.

“Equitable and Even,” could be the motto of the month, and anywhere you are feeling taken advantage of will now reach a point of being intolerable. Your ability to effectively communicate your frustration is keynote to conscious resolution, otherwise things could get way out of control.

The reason for this is because the Heart number for November is a 3, and number 3 can vacillate wildly between the positive and negative polarities. When positive, 3 is creative, nurturing, and has a “Can do!” spirit. In the negative polarity it is angry, worried, depressed, and potentially destructive to one’s own self or others.

Make an effort to “head it off at the pass” when you see trouble brewing on the back burner of someone’s mind. At the right moment say something like, “You seem a little unsettled since our last conversation. Is there anything we need to revisit and sort out?”

This can save you from an invisible ticking time-bomb of unresolved inner anger issues. You don’t need to babysit another person and their neurosis, just attempt to resolve any lurking discord, and then leave it at that.

Now on to the sunny side of the street, ‘cause there definitely is one in November! We have a rare and beautiful event in the heavens happening, and that is when the planet Jupiter comes into alignment with Galactic Center. A light stream of awakening energy is coming to our planet, and it can be a real game-changer for you if you allow it to be so.

This occurs on November 19 of 2019, and it happens only once every 12 years. Jupiter is the planet of prosperity, growth, expansion, good luck and blessings. Get your Kundalini shine on for this one, as there is potential for a great breakthrough in any area that will propel you on your destiny line of life.

All mantras are good and wonderful, and the word “Guru” resonates directly with the number 11, so I am going to suggest chanting the “Pavan Guru” mantra for 11 minutes a day. “Pavan” is the Air Element, which empowers our communication and self-healing.

Yogi Bhajan said, “Whoever recites this mantra becomes absolutely divine, God in action… This mantra increases the pranic energy.  There is no better healing than this.”

Dear Ones, you need you in divine alignment, no saying “Yes” when you mean “No!” You need you, ready to go, with all that you know in your own brilliance and glow. That’s the high-flying creatively happy life you were born to live!

I often enjoy looking to nature for understanding our human experience, and I recently came upon a story about Redwood trees. In spite of being the tallest tree in the world, the Redwood has a root system that extends only 5 to 6 feet deep into earth.

However, the Redwood’s root system is connected to the other Redwoods around it, and that’s where its strength and resiliency comes from. Their roots intertwine and even merge together, feeding each other and giving support.This is how they can withstand high winds, intense flooding and even drought, as they have a combined physical support and interconnected psyche. Yes, plants communicate with each other, and if you would like to know more about this you can read “The Secret Life of Plants” by Christopher Bird. I read this book as a teenager and was thoroughly impressed. And it takes a lot to impress me, just so you know.

Our ability as individuals and as a humanity to prosper is held in part by remembering the first sutra of the Aquarian Age which is, “Recognize the other person is you.”

We are on the cusp of great change and tremendous opportunity in 2020, and all it requires is a consciousness upgrade to enjoy the journey.

You can start out on a cross-country road trip in good shape, but if mid-way you don’t have proper air pressure in the tires, you will have poor steering, bad gas mileage, or a blow-out. Don’t let yourself get into the, “How did this happen to me?” category.

Chant your Air Element mantra and stay in the God-speed lane on the highway of life.

We have good days ahead with much to enjoy; it is all a matter of perspective and leaning into the positive flow of the Universe’s grace and love for us. It really is there, because,

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

We got the Word, we got the magic and the blessing, and we will change the world through our unified psyche beaming out to humanity.

May the Heavens guide you, bless you, and keep you safe in the knowing of your worthiness, so you may dwell in all that is good. Sat Nam.

Numérologie octobre 2019 – Renforcez votre système nerveux et maintenez votre équilibre

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We are entering the final 90 day countdown of a decade, and much is spinning in the collective ethos. There is a sense of longing for so much more than we have previously allowed ourselves, combined with the desire to find our spiritual soul mates to accompany us in the journey ahead.

A great longing abounds in October, and that is because both the Mastery (month) and Gift (last 2 digits of year), are the number 10. These double 10’s comprise the Heart calculation, and with a Heart number of 20 there is an amplified “longing to belong.”

This longing will manifest itself in many forms, and for the yogis among us there is the opportunity of having a breakthrough that will create alignment and synchronicity with our spiritual destiny.

The only question is, can your nervous system handle it? Yes, number 10 is the nervous system as well as the skeletal structure. Include roots vegetables in your diet, such as sweet potatoes, beets, onions, garlic, and turnips. Celery juice and ginger in any form is good for your nervous system, with ginger having the added benefit of helping the spinal nerves.

A beautiful way to move through the last 90 days of 2019 is to practice the “Breath of Ten Meditation to Become Disease-Free.” It creates a pranic force in the Radiant Body, and repels negativity away from you. You are your own spiritual bodyguard!

One of the ways we can directly help our nervous system is by making good choices in our relationships. This month of October will test your boundaries and the ability to say “No!” when you feel overwhelmed by demanding people. And it will get demanding at times, because the frequency is changing yet again on the planet, and not everyone is in a position to handle it gracefully.

The number 10 represents issues of authority, leadership, courage, and the ability to believe in one’s own capacity to handle a situation. When the Radiant Body and nervous system are strong we have a magnetic presence that attracts opportunity and commands respect. In the positive polarity the number 10 is respectful of others, and is a kind and benevolent ruler. In the negative polarity 10 can be tyrannical, with a “Because I said so!” attitude. A rattling of sabers abounds in October so choose your battles wisely, or just stay out of the ring if things get too crazy. And at times, they will.

It is important to keep a broad perspective along with long range vision in order to best understand what is occurring over the next 90 days. The world is not falling apart, it is just restructuring itself in preparation for greater changes in 2020. These changes will manifest in the positive polarity through creative cooperation and our combined conscious vision.

No matter what anything may look like, there are abundant solutions for a win-win outcome.

Looking towards 2020, the number 2 is a feminine energy number, and represents the themes of harmony, balance, support, and creative cooperation. This is a necessary evolution from the number 1 decade (2010-2019), where the themes of independence, personal domain, and “My way or the highway!” have prevailed at times.

It is interesting to me that in America some of the male political candidates have what we call in the world of women, “An evolved female side.” They are solid men, yet still hold a space of sensitivity and inclusiveness. (Yes!)

It is the balance of the masculine and feminine within us all that is now evolving, and this is how we can save the world and have healthy relationships.

Touching back on the theme of the double 10’s in the Heart calculation, everyone at some point this month will be tested in the area of “not giving oneself away.” This means that where you previously have caved in on your personal boundaries and sense of self-respect, you will now be in a position to recognize, “Hey, that’s not for me, and I’m not doing it that way anymore!”

This is a really huge revelation, and will set the tone for 2020 and beyond. You are worthy of conscious balanced relationships, and it requires an effort on your part to maintain the equilibrium.

Equilibrium is the keynote theme of October, as number 10 embodies the dynamic of, “All or Nothing!” That motto can get quite exhausting, and I know this personally because I am a 10 Soul number. Way back in the early days of my training Yogi Bhajan once said to me, “Not too much, not too little.” A good motto to live by.

Within the scope of the Universal Intelligence there is a gaining momentum for change and evolution. If you are ready, willing, and able to ask the higher powers for help and guidance it will be granted. Just sit in a simple meditative posture and say, “My Dear Heavenly Angel, guide me on the path to my heart’s fulfillment and Soul’s longing. Keep me protected and safe in my journey, and bless those around me with your Grace.”

There you go, happy trails to you, and Sat Nam.

Numérologie Septembre 2019 – Connaissance intérieure profonde de Soi

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We move now into a season of new opportunities, tempered by our ability to refine a vision of the most exquisitely excellent future possible. Within the collective psyche we are presently longing for a greater spiritual intimacy, and the “keeper of mysteries,” the number 9, holds the promise and potential of these dreams!

The number 9 of September embodies the themes of higher vision, refinement, precision, and the domain of a deep inner knowingness which can guide us through all circumstances.

Part of this “knowingness” can be in the area of completion, where we let go of something that has proven to be an emotional illusion or loss of energy. As we let go of that which is not in alignment with our best possible life, space emerges for a special brand of divinely synchronistic magic.

Yes, number 9 is the realm of magic and mystery, yet “magic” is often a misunderstood word.

I am using it in the context of the Subtle Body, which is above time and space, and has the ability to sense and know things without linear information. A strong Subtle Body will allow you to know friend from foe, truth or lie, and the ability to read between the lines and sense the energetic space of another human being.

While I was recently surfing Youtube, I came upon one of the most powerful 3 minutes of dialogue I have ever heard in my entire life. It is from an interview with James Taylor, where he speaks of a difficult time in the early years before he became rich and famous. This video clip shows the power of his father’s subtle awareness, and how precise action at a critical moment is all the difference between someone slipping away, or having a chance at a brilliant destiny. Well worth watching.

Queuing up first to the high notes of September, we have a brimming playlist of lucky days! The dates of the 6th, 7th, 8th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 24th, 25th, and 26th all hold a special kind of magic for new ventures of a personally inspired nature. It can be as simple as starting a 40 day meditation, drinking celery juice for cleansing, or affirming to yourself everyday:

“I now live within the presence and creative force of my spiritual destiny; all is well with me.”

Number 9 is the domain of mastery, and sometimes we can feel a bit put-off by owning that concept for ourselves. Good news: don’t be! All the Saints and Sages started from somewhere, and it wasn’t at the top.

Once upon a time in New Mexico when Yogi Bhajan was teaching class, he posed the question, “What is the first sign of a Saint?” Many people boldly ventured an answer, until he simply replied, “The first sign of a Saint is that he or she is original.”I thought this was a brilliant definition, as it defies our usual constraints of “holiness.”

So, now that we know that our personal mastery and subtle excellence rests in the land of being original, let’s get some support for that! Practicing the Experience the Original You” meditation will give you the ability to know the right course of action through all circumstances—as in the right course of action for you—and not the ghosts of projected guilt or manipulation. We all hear these echos sometimes, often from our childhood programming. Delete that, and refresh with the magic you were born to live and express.

Now that we are emitting a frequency that holds the essence of our original spirit, it is good to know that September is a season of time where there is great potential for new relationships.

If you’re single, spiffy-up your sunshine smile and declare that, “The clear-as-a-bell original me will be seen and heard by the appreciative you!” Always keep your wits about you with a gentle filter (no re-runs!), all the while knowing the Angelic realm is working overtime to help people meet their destiny partners.

We are steadily in preparation for a great consciousness shift on the planet in 2020, and this shift must be taken in measured strides. The information buzz of the right people, location, occupation, and other important life themes are all in the mix now, like busy bees cross-pollenating the essence of what needs to be known.

Your gentle awareness is the greatest lead-in to this higher frequency, which in turn is supported by your spiritual practice. We need to move past the mere intellectual understanding of an idea, into the sensory experience of inner knowingness. This is the gift of the number 9, and this gift can be yours to enjoy and cherish.

As a footnote to all this, I feel inspired to tell you that I am always listening to mantra music while writing these forecasts. If I ever feel stuck at some point, I glance over at the meditation photo of Yogi Bhajan and say, “What do you think, Sir?” Often I will ask the guardians of the ethereal realm, “What will best help them?”

My point is, nobody makes it through this world on their own. Nobody’s that smart, got that much money, or is that good-looking (but I’m working on that one!).

Now is the time to allow the longing of your Soul to gently guide you on the protected path the Angels have prepared for you, all the while trusting and knowing in the goodness of your original self. Sat Nam.

Numérologie Juillet 2019 – Vision, pratique, intentions

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We have crossed the mid-point of the year, and we are now considering what works for the best in our lives, and what must be left behind. The number 7 of July addresses the issues of personal space, trust, cleansing, and contemplating our path into the future.   

Many people are experiencing a sense of “unusual times,” where things don’t feel the way they used to feel. This is a silent epidemic and it is sometimes difficult to communicate the feeling of being “off” or out of sync with our previous sense of normalcy.

The number 7 represents the voice, speaking, and singing, so trading notes with others who you feel on par with can help to relieve the sense of isolation that can come from keeping it all bottled up inside. Seven is also the Water Element, so sometimes a good cry is in order to get the hurt out of your system.

Seven always grants us a bit of a “time out,” a time to slow down and reconsider all our options. It is important to give yourself extra breathing room now, as there is an inherent luckiness in the air for those who allow themselves to explore the creativity of their grand imaginings.

Yes, based on the numbers we have an 8 in the Heart calculation, via lucky number 17! (Heart is month of 7 + Gift of 10 = 17.) Eight is a robust number in the Heart calculation, full of life and ready for the next great adventure! We will find ourselves wanting to mix-it-up with the energy of the day, as well as thinking of lifestyle changes that will enhance our overall health and well-being. This is a great month for a spiritual retreat, music festival, hot springs venture, or anything where you feel supported by nature and good company.

Number 7 creates a yearning for knowledge, wisdom, and insight into the answers that will turn us free from the monotony of the “same old same old.” Nearly everyone is looking for some dimension of higher ground in their life,whether it be through a new location, relationship, career, or simply a more satisfying sense of being at ease with the external environments.

The restlessness can be a good thing, as it motivates us to look outside the box of normalcy and routine. Also important is the need to make decisions in measured steps, thereby securing the fortune. A brilliant technique for this is to do the Magnificent Mantra meditation for 11 minutes a day. Yogi Bhajan said,

“This mantra brings prosperity and happiness, and saves us from calamities. It is a sound current which brings a shield and good luck, and removes discomfort and disease. It is the key to the doorway of self-elevation.”

This practice is a good way to guide your dreams into practical reality. In July we need a filter and a flow for our best laid plans. Working from a higher frequency allows the power of the Universe to naturally filter out what isn’t appropriate, and guide us within the flow of Divine Alignment.

As we are approaching the calendar year of 2020, there is already a signal being sent—a frequency of spiritual longing that is bursting at the seams as it says, “I want the real deal, I can’t do it the old way anymore!” We are presently being prepared for this dynamic new time on planet Earth, and when I say “prepared,” I mean that anywhere we were previously willing to diminish ourselves for another, that will no longer be acceptable.

2020 brings shifts to the planet in leaps and bounds, so now is a good time to create a base—a foundation of simple food, yogic practice, nature retreats, and kinship with like-minded individuals.

Oh, and by the way, July 2019 holds potential for new love interests, as I know so many of you are looking! However, if it doesn’t happen this year not to worry, as next year brings a great deal of connectivity for all thing bright and happy. The presence of the double 2’s in the calendar year (2020) brings a time of harmony and alignment to those who have done their spiritual homework this year.

I have said it before, and it is worth repeating again; you are not going to get the “shiny new penny” experience if you are operating from the same old rusty mechanics of what has been. This is tough, and quite tough for some people to hear, yet it is really the only game in town.

July is a time to consider where your vision, practice and sense of purpose may have been off, and look towards where you can bring harmony and elevation to the present moment.

This process can perfectly position you for August, which brings a highly auspicious time of right alignment on the planet. August has much to do with issues of power, and if you would like to have the perfect summertime read, I would recommend the book, “The 48 Laws of Power” by Robert Greene. Even if you are not a reading enthusiast you can enjoy this book, as each chapter is only 3 to 4 pages long. The author goes through historical examples illustrating the gain and loss of power, and how people can use power effectively. It is highly entertaining and insightful, and I personally have learned a great deal from it.

Many people who I have been speaking with lately have been expressing exactly the same sentiment, and that sentiment is, “I just don’t feel like I’m really where I would expect to be at this point in my life, and I feel sad about that.” This sense of having “missed the mark” is creating a subliminal depression in many people’s psyche, and that is not good.

Most important is to release yourself from the shackles of judgement and criticism that you are imposing on yourself, and adopt a neutral stance. Next is to bring a higher frequency into your psyche through a spiritual practice (as in this month’s meditation).

Furthermore, we are presently in times where no one is going to make it on their own. Seek out some form of community through congregation, sports, fitness center (gym), Audubon Society, Sierra Club, quilting circle, monthly potluck dinner, or anything that gets you out of your rut and socializing with others. You have no idea how many people are hurting on the inside, just like you. I clearly see this because of the many people who ask for my help.

There is always a way, and through our elevated creative psyche we create the way and connect with our kindred spirits.

May the hand of the Divine guide and bless you, and bring you all the comfort and joy of the happy life you were born to live. Sat Nam.

Numérologie tantrique Juin 2019 -Accélération spirituelle

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There is a quickening in the air, a sense of elevated urgency guiding us to step up to the next level in our spiritual journey. We want a breakthrough, and we can have it as long as our internal compass is correctly aligned.

The number 6 of June represents the themes of security, protection, family, love, and justice.

Throughout the month we will all be contemplating, “Where is the love?” and “Am I being treated fairly?”This process is important, as June provides us with a “reset time,” a time to re-evaluate ourselves and our relationships.

The Heart number for June is a 7 (Heart is month of 6 + Gift of 10), and number 7 needs time and space to think things through in private. A good touchstone for your contemplative consideration might be, “Where am I truly valued, and where do I need to create boundaries of protection against a hidden agenda?” I was once counseling a man who paused deeply, and then said, “Nam Hari, it’s taken me my entire life to realize that the word “No” is a complete sentence.” I never forgot this.

Looking further into the dynamic duo of restful contemplation and spiritual quickening, it is important to understand how this interplay works to your best advantage. The number 7 of the Heart would like to reach the high ground, a place unaffected by the woes of the world. The number 6 of Mastery (month) feels the necessity of having to hash out the details, the “nitty-gritty” of daily life, so to speak. This can be a point of distress for those of us on a spiritual path, as we always want to do the “right” thing.

Good news—there is a simple way to sort this out relatively easily. The meditation for the Divine Shield of Protection is how you can strengthen your aura and immune system, thereby giving you the ability to see things clearly. Instead of being codependent on others, call on the Universal Mother through the Maaa mantra, and get what you really need—unconditional love, no strings attached.

Now that we are clear and fortified with a greater sense of personal presence, let’s take a look at the month of June from a higher plateau. The next step is a bit advanced, but I know you’ll catch on! When we combine the month of 6 with the year of 12 (2+0+1+9= 12), we get the number 18. Eighteen is the archetype of the Humanitarian, and there is a super-connectivity at this time for conscious collaborative effort. There is a doorway opening now—an energetic portal to find those with whom you can co-create.

It is important to recognize the opportunity here, because if you don’t catch the wave of the 18, it can revert to a negative 9. When the number 9 goes negative, it is not a happy place. A sense of feeling lost, disconnected, and out of step with life can haunt you. Worst case scenario is feeling angry and vengeful as in, “If I’m not happy, nobody’s going to be happy.” You have probably seen this somewhere in your life or the world at large.

There are any number of ways to get involved with a cause that is meaningful to you. Volunteer at an Animal Shelter and walk the dogs there. Volunteer at a Yoga Center to serve in some way. Volunteer in any capacity to a “Meals on Wheels” program that serves the homebound and disadvantaged.

There is something very healthy and healing in a “team spirit” environment, and many of our internal dissatisfactions can be remedied when we are shoulder to shoulder with those who have a shared vision.

Yogi Bhajan once said, “Don’t isolate and insulate yourself.” He further explained that there would be the tendency for people to do this, as a reaction to the intensity of the energetic shifts on the planet.

The number 6 is always in a hurry, wanting to speed along to the finished result of having everything perfect and settled. You do not need to be in a hurry, you only need to have the intuitive response to the best course of action. Then you will be in perfect alignment with the natural quickening dynamic of this month.

This is not “magical thinking,” as in popular spiritual jargon—it is a real attunement to the subtle energies that are already at play. A Master martial artist has a visual awareness of the slightest shifting crinkle in his opponent’s uniform, thereby revealing his next move.

We can and must develop these higher sensitivities. It is not “Beware;” it is “Be Aware.” We all have a certain amount of natural intuition and, similar to a professional athlete, we need a practice to keep it sharp and at its best.

Call in the Angels now to support you in your spiritual journey, making a pact with the Heavens that says, “I will do my part, and I trust you are guiding me every step of the way.”

May the light of your Soul attract all the goodness and greatness you deserve, and may you ever so lovingly dwell in the grace of God’s gifts for you. Sat Nam.

“The only friend you have, other than God and Nature, is your own discipline. That is the key to prosperity.”
-Yogi Bhajan, 12-20-99

Numérologie tantrique Mai 2019 – Le succès et la fortune guettent

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Oh happy day! A kinder and gentler season is now ours to explore and benefit by. The month of May brings new opportunities in nearly every area of life, and there is an element of good luck at play for those who keep an optimistic outlook.

We need to focus on bringing in the flow of our Positive Mind, which is the number 3, the overall number for 2019. Practicing any navel point yoga set or meditation will help you to link up with the higher benevolent forces that are presently circulating.

Not to dwell on the past, but we have just come out of an especially intense two month cycle, and we need to “shake it off” and create a new momentum. Bring into your diet healthy healing green foods, such as: salads, avocados, kale, swiss chard, kiwi fruit, and even green pistachios! Bless your food with a positive intention, a simple prayer like, “I bless my food and I bless myself with the light and love of the Heavens.”

The number 5 of May represents the themes of physical health, communication, emotional flexibility and tolerance. Number 5 also represents endurance, and as we are now better able to gain ground in our lives, it is important to consider how we may build our endurance on every level. This is an excellent time to create new habits for yourself that will sustain you in the days ahead. Whether you make a vow to do 26 frog poses before you walk out the door in the morning, or drink a glass of organic orange juice, you are building yourself and your self-sustaining psyche.

The idea of a self-sustaining psyche is not something that is usually taught in school, and if I ran the zoo, you better believe that would change overnight. Young people need to learn how to handle and care for themselves in good times as well as adversity. A more holistic approach in Health and Science classes would benefit our youth tremendously.

Something as simple as taking a hot bath with 4 pounds of Epsom salts added to the water and soaking for 30 minutes can relieve a lot of stress. Drinking a cup of chamomile tea after, and going to bed or taking a nap can decompress the emotional and mental bodies. Taking yourself “off the map” for a bit helps to avoid conflict from built-up tension. It is so very often that the simplest of things can save the day, and our young people need to learn this.

Forging further ahead, know that we have entered a 3 month linked cycle for the months of May, June, and July. New opportunities in the areas of love, enterprise, travel and self-awareness exist now. The month of July has 6 particularly good marriage dates, which are the 8th, 9th, 17th, 18th, 26th and 27th. Initiative energy on these dates will be highly favorable.

Number 5 is the Earth Element, and May is the month to get our physical body and personal belongings in good working order. Get that tune-up for your car, change the air filters in your home, and create a sense of balance and equilibrium in your surroundings.

This is a fix-it-up time! Looking further into our personal well-being, have you ever said to yourself, “I can’t,” or “I couldn’t?” This simple meditation, “Kriya to Get Rid of Your “Couldn’t” takes away the “I couldn’t” from your life. Yogi Bhajan has said of this practice:

“Do you remember when you wanted to love and be with somebody and decided, “I couldn’t”? All the problems on this planet come from this “couldn’t.” We need to make our will so clean, clear, and positive that “couldn’t” does not touch our shores.”

Let’s get it together and really own this one, let’s make a vow to start in May and practice this for 40 days.

Kick that “couldn’t” curbside, and take your life on a new ride to fulfillment and creative potential. This is the high-octane gas, kiddos, and it will get you over a mountain pass that you may have been previously denied. No one wants to feel denied in their life; we all want the good stuff, and this can be part of your game plan to achieve a greater sense of personal satisfaction.

Okay, I haven’t mentioned a movie in a while, so here’s a good one. I would highly recommend seeing the film “Breakthrough,” which is in theaters now. It is the true story of a teenage boy who falls through the ice, is submerged underwater for 15 minutes, and then his body is recovered. After 45 minutes of revival techniques he still has no heartbeat, and is pronounced dead by the doctor.

That is until Mama Bear (his mother) shows up, and then everything changes. Every parent should see this film, as it shows the power of prayer and the projective psyche.

We are not far from creating a world where healing can happen through our Positive Mind and mental beaming.Prayer has been proven to work in scientific studies, and it is simply a matter of awareness and personal practice that can yield the best result.

Number 5 is change itself, and we all want a change right now. A change from the sameness of life, and a shift into our inherent sense of goodness and great possibilities.

May is the pivot point for change this year, the time to say, “I’m tired of the old ways, I can and will create something new for myself.” You can do this, as the higher powers are in alignment for your success and good fortune.

“May this day bring in you the change, so you can face the coming age with strength, with self loyalty, and with your own virtues. May Almighty God make you worthy of it.”
-Yogi Bhajan



Numérologie tantrique Mars 2019 – Choisis tes combats avec sagesse

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The month of March sparks our creative inspiration, as well as the desire to connect with others in a more playful and joyous way. There is a sense of urgency in the air, fueled by the fact that we have double 3’s in the mix for both for the month and overall year.

The appearance of the double 3’s creates the number 6 in the Base calculation, and 6 is always in a hurry. We want the perfect love, home, job, etc., and we want it right away! This is where the importance of pacing comes in to play, because when the Positive Mind of number 3 gets off-balance it can take on too much at once. Avoid this tendency, as it will only lead to frustration that can potentially shift into anger and blame.

We are always aware of polarity in the science of Numerology, so let’s take a look at the dramatic side of number 3 as it spins on the dance floor with a two-stepping number 6.

There is a rocket fuel recipe here, as both the numbers 3 and 6 are of the Fire Element. Life is always about the energy, and how well we handle our own energy as well as how we navigate around others. Number 6 is the Arc Line, the protective band width of light that crosses our forehead. It is often depicted as a Halo in religious paintings.

How strong your Arc Line is, is how well you can read and know the field. Your ability to sense the surrounding environments, and make any necessary adjustments is essential now. Here’s a practical example. Let’s say you are all fired-up to tell someone at work that you didn’t appreciate the way they dismissed your brilliant new idea at the team meeting yesterday. You’ve got it all charted out as to exactly what you are going to say, and how right you are about it. You’ve got the theme from “Rocky” playing in your head, and nobody’s going to stop you now!

Then, when you enter the office, you notice a down and somber tone in the air. People seem a bit distracted or stressed in some way. If your Arc Line is strong you can read into this more deeply and think, “Now is not the time, something else is in the mix, and my words will not be well received.” Good move, as a bit later you find out that someone’s child had to be rushed to the hospital from an accident at school.

You would feel terrible, and would also have looked bad in the eyes of others if you had barged forward in self-righteous indignation.

Choose your battles and timing wisely this month, as there will be the tendency to go way overboard once you let the fiery momentum go too far. And heads-up—-many people will be falling into this category, because they have no ability to contain themselves.

The lack of self-control and overly emotional thinking is part of the down-side of 2019, so let’s look at some solutions for this.

2019 is a 3 (2+0+1+9= 3), and number 3 is the navel point and the liver. Keeping your navel point strong and balanced will give you a great advantage in accessing your own creativity, as well as not falling prey to others’ emotional baiting. The yogic exercise Sat Kriya is considered one of the master kriyas for health and well-being. Just 3 to 5 minutes a day can work a miracle in your life.

The liver is one of your most important internal organs, working hard to purify the blood, and about a hundred other things too! Let your liver live by doing a Spring and Autumn cleanse. Pick something that is comfortable for you, whether it be a simple liver cleanse kit you can find at the health food store, or something more advanced. Of course, always consult your doctor if you’re unsure of the best choice for you.

This cleansing program can help to eliminate toxins that contribute to anger, depression, and low-energy. Sometimes substituting a meal with a glass of spring water and the juice of one lemon can give your liver a much needed rest. Adding a bit of honey can help sustain your blood sugar level.

We are in the midst of a great shift on the planet, and it is putting a lot of people through huge changes in their personal lives. Many are experiencing a sense of feeling lost or disconnected, and not knowing what to do next. Yogi Bhajan spoke of this years ago as a symptom of the Aquarian Age transition. He said, “Many people will not know where to go and what to do, it will be very puzzling and confusing.”

We can alleviate this symptom by seeking out gatherings that are inclusive and elevating. Prying yourself off the sofa and out of your usual comfort zone is essential now for your happy flow of existence. Get to that Full Moon sound bath, Women’s or Men’s Circle, Meditation class or chanting event. Seek out a tribe and activities that resonate with how you would like to feel in your life.

You’re not going to be able to change anybody this month, so your best bet is to work on yourself. This can alleviate a sense of feeling powerless against the forces that be. Everyone is dealing with something, and you may not know the depth or intensity of another’s anguish—so don’t go near troubled waters unless you’re prepared to take on the role of life guard.

Keep your house in order, March is a good time for restructuring anything in your life that feels off-balance. When we have our equilibrium then the outside static has less of an ability to throw us off center.

It really is about being the Captain of your own ship this year, and steering clear of the coral reefs beneath the surface. That coral reef may have a person’s name on it, and you can ask yourself the question, “Do I really want to get stuck or handicapped again by their drama?” You know the answer to this, and as Shakespeare wrote in his classic play Hamlet, “To thine own self be true.”

“You have three minds, negative, positive, and neutral. By meditation you can direct your mind positively toward success, you can spread prosperity, and you can shine like sunshine.”
-Yogi Bhajan 9-12-83