L’année manque d’équilibre puisqu’il n’y a ni métal, ni feu (sauf deux feux cachés). Année difficile, faite de conflits et de trahisons, de risques de perte, de forte agressivité et surtout de manque d’intelligence.

Le feu va stimuler la prospérité, portez du rouge, faites l’acquisition d’un porte-monnaie rouge.

Le métal va stimuler l’intelligence, portez des bijoux en métaux précieux, du blanc et du gris.

Porter des amulettes et notamment le charme des 5 éléments, l’amulette de protection contre la trahison est de bon augure.

Inviter chez soi le tigre mais de préférence bouche fermée et soumis par une déité est également un élément de protection.

Cette année, la fortune symbolisée par l’eau soutiendra votre prospérité (porter du bleu et du noir).

L’étoile 5 de la malchance est au centre de la maison mais également au centre de chaque pièce. Pour la soumettre, la pagode des 5 éléments, les 6 gardiens célestes et la cure de sel. Elle est soumise par le métal donc une cure de sel dans un contenant métallique est d’une grande efficacité (à renouveler si nécessaire).

Le Nord accueille l’étoile de la victoire (1). Ce secteur bénéficiera de toute énergie de feu (bcp de lumière et de rouge), c’est un secteur qui bénéficiera de la présence des drapeaux de la victoire. En revanche, faisant face aux 3 massacres il faudrait y installer une plaque de protection. Il faut éviter en tout état de cause de s’asseoir face au sud.

Le Sud héberge l’étoile 9 de la prospérité future (9). Elle aime le feu et il faudra allumer grand les lumières dans ce secteur. Toute énergie yang y est bienvenue ainsi que le chiffre 9 sous toute ses formes, et principalement les 9 phoenix.

A l’Ouest l’étoile 7 de la trahison. Une image de Kwan Kung sur un cheval cabré vous protègera comme les symboles de l’eau et le couple protecteur rhinocéros et éléphant.

A l’Est l’étoile 3 de la querelle qu’on soumettra par le feu mais également par la présence de pommes, de tapis rouge. En revanche ce secteur devra rester calme, ne pas y jouer de la musique ni y recevoir ses amis.

Sud-Ouest. L’étoile 2 de la maladie y est installée, elle est soumise par le métal qu’il faudra accumuler en ce lieu.

Le Nord-Est héberge le grand duc, il faut éviter d’y faire face et il est de bon augure d’y installer le Pi Yao. L’étoile de la prospérité s’y trouve en revanche et il faut donc y installer les symboles de la prospérité mais pas sous forme de métal, plutôt les symboles de la terre comme l’arbre de la prospérité. Le tigre appréciera également d’y être invité mais pas seul ni bouche ouverte, préférer donc le tigre chevauché par les déités de la prospérité.

Sud-Est. Ici, l’étoile 4 de la romance et des études. Elle aime l’eau.

Le Nord-Ouest reçoit cette année l’étoile des grands augures 6. Toute énergie yang de métal et d’eau boostera votre chance. Notamment les carillons de métal.

Numérologie tantrique Octobre 2020 – Moment charnière

By Nam Hari Kaur

In life there are moments when you just have to tell it like it is, so, that is exactly what I am going to do. The month of October 2020 has transits of “hell and high water,” and I am going to tell you exactly how to navigate these moments.

First of all, the go-to mantra of the month is, “Stay in your lane.” Do not over-extend yourself on any level, for any reason. Offer help, advice, and assistance as it is reasonably within your resources to afford giving. You are not being a “good person” by creating a handicap or deficit for yourself that may be difficult to recoup.

The second mantra of merit for the month is, “Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast.” This is worth writing on a Post-it note and placing on the bottom of the bathroom mirror, just so you don’t forget! There will be the mental tendency to want to accelerate yourself just to keep up with the overload of information and misinformation, so don’t go that route.

Keep your rhythm, know when to engage and when to disengage. Preserving your energy is of paramount importance now, as you don’t want to stress-out your immune system. A weekly detox bath of 4 pounds epsom salts and 6 drops of either Eucalyptus oil or Tea Tree oil in the bath water can do wonders for your lymphatic system.

We need to have our go-to support system lined-up, so stock up on your vitamins, bath salts, and chocolate chip cookies now!

There will be incredible energy surges hitting the planet, and if you’ve got your spiritual game-on, you can use this energy to your advantage. If not, it’s just the luck of the draw as to how you’ll manage. Being the stellar intelligent people we are, let’s practice something to specifically bring the frequency of luck and fortune into our lives.

The Antar Naad meditation takes only 11 minutes of your day, and will repay you mega-fold for your effort. You can practice it with the video, creating the experience of having a “meditation buddy” throughout the month. Good company!

We have a few especially powerful ‘surf’s-up’ days, and they are the 4th, 10th, 13th, 19th, 22nd, 28th and 30th. Don’t push anything on these days, and give things time and space to decompress. In the New York Times bestselling book, “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus,” author John Gray says, “Men go to their caves…Women talk.” He further goes on to explain that when the bear goes into the cave, don’t stick your hand in there!

Now that we’ve basically covered the potentially messy stuff, let’s take a look at the bright side.

The Heart number for October is a 12, which reduces down to a 3. (Heart is month of 10 + Gift of 2 = 12). Number 3 represents the themes of creativity, the Positive Mind, food, social connectivity and nurturing energy. However, it is by way of 12, which is the archetype of the Good Shepherd.

In response to all unfolding global events there will be a tremendously positive upsurgence of people coordinating their efforts and resources to answer the call. And answer the call we must, as there is no time left to waver in insecurity.

You may be thinking at this point, “Well, first you said not to overextend myself, and now you’re saying I need to answer the call; what’s up with that?” Fortunately, I always have an answer, and that answer is to stay within the flow of your own psyche.

You instinctively know when you are getting yourself off-balance, and when you are within your own energy reserves. Honor yourself and your needs, and know that whatever else remains to be done has someone else’s name on it. Good deal all around.

In order to better understand the value and higher intention of 2020, we need to pause for a moment and consider where we are at this stage of the journey. In the positive polarity, the number 2 represents alignment, harmony, and balance. In the negative polarity, it is conflict, duality, polarization. We certainly have all these themes circulating at this time in our global culture, and the next three months are pivotal in the evolution of humanity.

The life force of the 5 Elements will be very strong in the last three months of the year. The Elements are Air, Earth, Water, Fire, and Ether. The sheer force of the Water Element can bring a tidal surge that flushes out objects that were hidden beneath the surface of the sand. The Air Element can bring a strong wind that knocks a tree down and exposes the root system.

Similar to the Earth, we as humans will be experiencing moments of a swift revelatory energy sweeping through our consciousness—a sudden awakening as to why you have been burdened with a behavior or addiction all your life, along with the ability to change the pattern if you choose to.

This is fantastic news for any of you who have had one of those, “I’m so sick of this sh*t, something’s got to change!” moments. Yes, it can change, and the power of the Elements are there to help you. This month’s suggested meditation works with the Ether Element, which is the domain of Grace and blessings. Grace is something that you may not have technically earned through good deeds, but is granted anyway by divine benevolence.

We all need that Grace right now, that “little help” energy of someone throwing the ball over the fence so we can get back in the game again. And it’s our game, our flow of life and creativity that is longing to unfold. The Elements are working with us to reveal what we never knew we really had going for us—that genius talent waiting and wanting to emerge.

Here is 2020 my friends, a bit messy at times I know, yet a greater revelatory energy at play which will change the trajectory of humanity.

One step at a time, me and you, and the Saints and Angels too. You never go empty handed from the door of humility and your heart-felt prayer. Keep smiling, keep shining, and know that the Heavens have got your back every step of the way. Sat Nam.

Numérologie Tantrique Juin 2020 : Crise de claustrophobie


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The month of June brings a renewed spark of boldness to our spirit, as we strive to navigate a world that is shifting with every step we take. The number 6 of June represents the themes of love, family, protection, prayer, community, and the immune system. We are longing for a greater connection with others, while keeping in mind ways to stay safe and protected in the process.

Easing back into a sense of normalcy is important now, as so many people are experiencing what is known as “cabin fever.” There is a safe way to do this, and depending on which state or part of the world you live in, this trend is already in motion. Reintegrating back into society creates “herd immunity,” which is part of what allows humanity to shake off illness. This is what I have learned through my personal research.

We’re going to jump right to the technical part here, as I am recommending the “Divine Shield Meditation for Protection and Positivity.” This practice is said to “eliminate the feeling of loneliness and separation from your Soul.” It is also an easy one to teach to children—and remember, you are now teaching your  child how to deal with extraordinary and unusual events. You are growing a spirit that can handle change and the heavy winds of time and space. Good job.

The number 6 represents the Arc Line, a protective bandwidth of light that crosses over the forehead. A strong Arc Line gives a radiance and confidence to your presence. It also allows you to “know the field,” and have a natural sense of where to be and where not to be. We’ve all had the experience of hearing the phone ring and immediately thinking, “I don’t know who it is, but I know I don’t want to pick it up!” That’s your Arc Line talking to you.

The world has become an increasingly complicated place, and in my opinion nearly impossible to navigate without some form of meditation. You can see meditation as a sort of “spiritual vitamin.” You take your vitamin C and Zinc every day for health and wellness, so be sure to invest at least 11 minutes a day in a meditation practice.

We have all had to learn new ways of doing things over the past two months, and one of my biggest lessons has been in the area of cooking. My philosophy had always been, “I solve other people’s problems all day; somebody else can cook.” Well, since there has been no in-restaurant dining, my usual way of living has been drastically altered.

Now I have become very good at reading directions on the food packages so I can prepare them properly. After a recent grocery delivery I realized that the rice package I had ordered was actually pre-cooked organic rice. This was such a happy moment for me, nearly dancing on stardust, as now I only had to add the rice to a half cup of simmering water and Voila! Dinner is almost ready!

Entertainment is important, and my latest find is the Bravo TV reality series “Below Deck.” Picture the Greek islands on a luxury sailing yacht with 12 young crew members who have just met each other. It’s a fast and furious pace to get the ship ready for the guests, and everyone is trying to keep it together as the crew drama unfolds onboard. This kind of show is typically known as a “guilty pleasure” (I don’t feel guilty), yet I can’t recommend it enough as a way to relieve yourself from feeling claustrophobic. Hoist your virtual sails to the Greek islands and enjoy!

Adaptation is the name of the game, and it is an ever-changing and sometimes uncertain landscape we are moving through. The lack of control we are feeling can be frustrating to the point of being infuriating. The Heart number for June is 8, and number 8 is bold, energetic, and wants to connect and communicate with others. As things are steadily opening up across our nation, the Heart of 8 has a “Go for it!” spirit and attitude. Many new businesses will develop from this, and they will be more resilient to change and fluctuations within the environment.

Touching back on the the number 6, it is good to be aware that 6 is the Fire Element. We have a few emotionally charged days this month, and they are the 3rd, 6th, 12th, 15th, 21st, 24th, and 30th. Choose the lines of least resistance on these days, as there will be a tendency for people to over-react when pressured. Number 6 likes things to be fair and balanced, so part of your “decompression dialogue” could be, “You seem a bit upset, let’s go over this again, I’d like things to be fair for you too.” If that doesn’t work then just bail-out of the conversation, as some people may be having an inconsolable moment and you don’t need to be fuel for their fire.

It is a delicate dance at times, knowing when to engage and when to distance yourself. All the more reason to strengthen your Arc Line, because then you will instinctively know the truth without belaboring in thought.

We are good, and we are going to move through this time and space with our best foot forward and a bright eye to the future. “This too shall pass,” and it always does, as the creative forces of the Universe are still at play and available to you.

Your power of prayer is magnificent at this time, and the simplest of steady intention can carve a way towards health, healing, and prosperity.

May the light of the Heavens guide and bless you, and may your Guardian Angel swoop down to touch your forehead with the vision of your safe and secure path. Sat Nam.

Petit guide du confinement – RITUALISER


Je vais vous épargner ma tendance naturelle au jeu de mots et aux recherches ethymologiques, la présence du préfixe “con” a déjà généré beaucoup de bons (ou moins bons) mots.

Une version que j’aime assez est “Du latin confinis, qui a la même limite, de cum (ensemble), et finis, fin, frontière”. Aujourd’hui, nous avons tous les mêmes limites (ou presque)….c’est peut être une bonne chose, ce peut être intéressant, en tous les cas.

Quoiqu’il en soit, voilà ce que je propose aujourd’hui, le soleil du printemps qui commence illuminant quelque peu mon esprit.

Lorsque nos quotidiens sont “réduits” ou que nous sommes “réduits” à notre quotidien, nous pouvons nous sentir moins enthousiastes, avoir une baisse dans le niveau d’énergie par l’effet de la répétition de gestes que nous considérons comme inintéressants. Il me semble que ce qui guette les confinés est le sentiment non pas d’ennui joyeux et créatif, mais le sentiment de lassitude dû aux routines, au fait de tourner en rond dans un espace déterminé par l’autorité, au fait que nous ne pouvons varier les objets de notre attention et de nos sens.

Tous les jours, nous répétons des gestes basiques, gestes de survie, d’hygiène, activités systématiques. Nous nous lavons les dents, nous nous douchons, nous cuisinons, nous allumons la lumière et ouvrons la porte.

En sacralisant les gestes du quotidien, en ritualisant nos habitudes, nous créons de la magie, nous créons de la conscience, nous créons du beau, du bon, de l’énergie, de l’intérêt et du bonheur. Nous investissons les petits gestes anodins d’une immense valeur, nous leur donnons la place qu’ils méritent.

Aujourd’hui nous est offerte l’occasion de regarder ce qui nous semblait secondaire comme essentiel. Car face à la maladie grave et à la mort, nous avons le choix de nous extasier de se réveiller sans fièvre, ni toux. Nous pouvons nous réjouir d’être logés à l’abri et dans un certain confort. Nous pouvons mettre des fleurs dans nos yeux et apprécier que nos poumons fonctionnent parfaitement, faisant de chaque respiration un moment exceptionnel et fort.

La seule démarche de ne pas considérer les petites choses comme acquises est déjà un saut dans quelque chose de nouveau, qui casse nos habitudes, nous ancre dans le moment et nous détache du ronron du mental.

A un moment de l’histoire de l’humanité où le mental ne demande qu’à se perdre dans les peurs collectives, dans les complots, les doutes, dans les questionnements sans fin, aborder ce qui est à notre portée avec un oeil neuf et avec l’esprit de l’enfant ne peut que nous faire du bien et renverser la logique de la cogitation.

Où se trouve votre esprit lorsque vous vous lavez les mains ou les dents? Il court il vole, il s’échappe dans l’hier ou le demain, l’occasion est trop belle pour lui.

Ritualiser ces petits gestes, ces petits moments, c’est un peu comme laver ses lunettes et se rendre compte qu’il n’y avait pas de brouillard!

Chacun ayant son propre univers, sa propre créativité, il est toujours délicat d’imposer un rituel qui pourrait freiner votre imagination et précisément vous retenir de le créer.

Je vous proposerai tout de même quelques pistes dans d’autres posts par thème.

Retenez simplement que le rituel c’est voir ou créer la magie et interagir avec les choses et les éléments,  c’est sacraliser un espace, une gestuelle, s’investir de pouvoirs extraordinaires et en investir son environnement. C’est dégager le beau et l’énergie de la vie de la matière et respirer autrement, ramener sa conscience ici et maintenant, entrer dans la gratitude.

Nous sommes tous à même de nous souvenir de notre regard d’enfant la première fois que nous avons vu une fourmi, notre sensation la première fois que nous avons goûté une pomme, notre étonnement la première fois que nous avons toucher un tissu doux ou senti la bonne odeur du pain chaud. Cherchez, vous retrouverez aisément cet espace, et c’est une jolie occupation que cette recherche.




Grandes lignes du Feng Shui 2020


L’année du Rat de Métal a commencé le 24 janvier lors de la nouvelle lune.

C’est une année équilibrée et même favorable, le rat étant un animal convivial et joyeux.

Cette année début un cycle de 60 / 180 ans, elle est donc importante de ce point de vue.

Globalement, retenir qu’il ne faut pas perdre son sang froid et demeurer patient. L’humour et le rire seront les meilleures armes pour affronter l’adversité.

Au Centre, l’étoile 7 de la violence et du vol doit être impérativement réprimée. Élément métal elle sera neutralisée grâce à l’élément EAU, préférablement YANG. La couleur bleu foncé, la couleur noir, l’eau en mouvement sont donc privilégiés. Ne pas nourrir la 7 avec des éléments métalliques (couleur blanc, gris) ni surtout de la terre (couleurs naturelles de la terre, objet en terre notamment). Une fontaine sera bienvenu au centre de la maison et au centre de votre salon où vous pourrez utilement installer un tapis bleu foncé.

Faire des offrandes d’encens chaque jour au centre de la maison en répétant le mantra “NAMAH SARVA TATHAGATHA AVALOKITE IL SAMBHARA SAMBHARA HUNG” est un rituel bienvenu.

Au Nord, l’étoile 3 querelleuse. ABSOLUMENT aucun carillon à cet endroit, aucun bruit, éviter d’y passer du temps, ne pas faire de travaux, laisser dans la mesure du possible cet espace au calme. En principe le feu soumet l’étoile 3 mais le Tai Sui est situé dans cette localisation cette année et il est préférable de ne pas le déranger. Deux jolis objets seront installés ici pour ceux qui apprécient, outre le couple usuel de PIA YAO faisant face au Tai Sui, un dragon de feu portant une boule de feu et/ ou une tortue ouvragée.

A l’Est, la CINQ JAUNE qui est une étoile défavorable. Une cure de sel fera l’affaire, tout particulièrement dans un conditionnement en métal. Le métal et objets blancs et gris pourront être installés ici.

Au Sud, l’étoile 2 de la maladie. Elle est réprimée par le METAL également. Une autre cure de sel dans un récipient de métal sera parfaitement à sa place ici. Un joli bouddha de la médecine (bouddha bleu) est idéal également. Les 3 malheurs sont également présents dans cette zone. EVITER de s’asseoir au Sud en faisant face au Nord.

Au Nord/Ouest, l’étoile 8 de la prospérité. Elle est nourrit par le feu et la terre. Il faut la stimuler, n’hésitez pas à installer ici tous les symboles de la prospérité qui appellent votre coeur. Le conseil de l’année est de positionner 6 cristaux, des pierres précieuses et semièprécieuses, l’animal de l’année portant une pièce dans la gueule et si vous disposez d’une fenêtre au N/O accrochez y des cristaux à facette qui seront du plus bel effet en projetant dans toute la maison leurs bienfaits.

A l’Ouest, l’étoile 9 de l’accomplissement et des gains à long terme. Elle se nourrit également de feu et de terre. J’y est installé mon vase de fortune contenant tous mes rêves d’accomplissement, nourrissez la en plaçant ici ce qui constitue pour vous un rappel de vos objectifs.

Au Nord/Est, l’étoile 1 de la Victoire qui se nourrit de métal. Les carillons en métal activeront utilement cette énergie.

Au Sud/Est, l’étoile 6 ou Etoile Céleste qui aime le métal et la terre.

Au Sud/Ouest, l’étoile 4 de la scolarité et de l’amour. Elle aime particulièrement l’eau et éviter ici le feu tout particulièrement si vous voulez la réussite de vos ados à l’école ou à la fac.

L’année est prometteuse pour les jeunes, pour les nouvelles technologies, pour les idées nouvelles et innovantes, pour la créativité.

Sortez des sentiers battus, soyez diplomate, faites appel à vos guides et n’hésitez pas à mobiliser vos mentors.

Bonne année du rat de métal

Quelques information sur le Feng Shui de l’année 2019 – Année du cochon de terre


Retenons d’abord que l’année est équilibrée selon le Feng Shui, tous les éléments y sont présents ce qui est de bon augure.

S’agissant du signe de l’année, c’est un signe d’eau qui implique donc une certaine fluidité, notamment des richesses.

Selon les chinois, accueillir une paire de cochons dans sa maison (symboliquement) est un porte bonheur, le mieux est de les choisir bienheureux et de les installer sous une source de lumière.

Le Feng Shui est pour certain l’occasion de grandes dépenses, je considère plutôt la nouvelle année chinoise comme l’occasion de faire un grand ménage de printemps et de réorganiser mon espace de vie/de travail.

Les étoiles défavorables :

L’étoile de la maladie au Nord Est (elle est d’élément terre)- cure de métal. installer du gros sel dans un contenant métallique (boîte ou autre). Ne pas laisser les lumières allumées, éviter le rouge. La couleur blanche représente le métal donc installer ici des objets et/ou tissus blancs. Eviter les objets terre c’est à dire les poteries, les cailloux, les plantes etc. La terre est nourrie par le feu et par la terre mais épuisée par le métal ce qui explique cette démarche. En général, le Feng Shui conseille de ne pas éveiller les énergies défavorables et donc de laisser les zones concernées dans le calme (notamment éviter les travaux de rénovation dans ces zones).
L’étoile de la discorde au sud (elle est d’élément bois)- cure de feu pour épuiser le bois. Ici allumer les lumières (utiliser des ampoules à tons chauds) et installer du rouge (objets, tissus etc). Eviter l’eau qui nourrit le bois (le noir et le bleu sont assimilées à l’eau).
L’étoile du danger (5 Yellow) au Sud Ouest (elle est d’élément terre) – cure de métal également. Ici surtout rien de rouge ni de fortes lumières. Tous les objets en métal, les meubles métalliques ou la couleur blanche sont bienvenus ici.
L’étoile du vol et de la violence au Sud Est (elle est d’élément métal)- cure d’eau. Placer ici de l’eau dans un contenant rouge. Si cette zone donne sur l’extérieur il est favorable d’y installer une fontaine et d’utiliser la couleur bleue. Peindre les murs en bleu est une très bonne idée. Pour ceux qui aiment les représentations symboliques, il est très favorable d’installer une image de Kuan Kong à face rouge ici.
Les autres zones sont très favorables et la stimulation des bonnes ondes peut faire des merveilles :
Au centre, l’étoile de la prospérité et de la bonne fortune (elle est terre) stimuler l’énergie du feu qui nourrit la terre (bougie, couleur rouge, lumières chaudes) et de la terre (avec des objets en terre notamment). Faire beaucoup de bruit, de musique, de fêtes. Cette étoile porte le numéro 8 et il est favorable à la prospérité matérielle d’installer au centre de la maison 8 objets symbolisant la richesse matérielle et de les éclairer vivement.
A l’Ouest stimuler l’étoile de la victoire (elle est d’élément eau) avec du métal.
Nord Ouest stimuler la prospérité future (qui est feu) avec du feu et des objets symbolisant la prospérité. Eviter cependant d’être assis face au N/O, le mieux est de lui tourner le dos.
Nord, stimuler la réussite dans les études et dans les relations avec les autres (élément vois) par l’eau et notamment l’eau Yang c’est à dire l’eau qui bouge (fontaine, cascades) éviter surtout le feu ici qui épuiserait l’énergie favorable.
Est, stimuler l’étoile de la chance avec du métal et de la terre (notamment des cristaux).
Joyeux nouvel An chinois!



Numérologie tantrique Février 2019 – Faites preuve de noblesse

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The month of February brings a sparkling breath of fresh air and an awakened sense of possibility to us all. The number 2 represents the themes of relationships, harmony, balance, and the desire to connect with those who emanate a greater depth of emotional intelligence.

We want the dovetail fit of higher understanding, and we want to move forward in our life’s journey aligned with those who would support our dreams and aspirations.

There is a natural luckiness in this month for those who are willing to look outside the box and expand into new social arenas. An early spring fever in the air and the cosmic cross-pollination will be fast and furious! The higher Angelic realms are very specifically assisting here, because we presently need an upsurgence of conscious people working together for the greater good.

The number 2 of February also represents duality and our ability as individuals and collectively to resolve and move beyond our differences. The Sutra of the Aquarian Age that best defines this is: “Recognize the other person is you.” As you are in dialogue with someone, take a moment to consider if what you are proposing would feel right if you were in their shoes. What adjustments might need to be made so that everyone can walk away from the table feeling satisfied?

Your ability to achieve harmony and balance now is the best insurance policy for the coming months ahead. The overall year of 2019 holds great potential for our creative vision to unfold, and at the same time the months of March and April are both potentially conflictive in nature. Taking extra time to sift through the 50 pound sack of mung beans, and picking out all the little stones now, could save you a cracked tooth later.

Co-creation is one of the great themes of this year, and as you consider your options and choices for the people you might like to work with, know that you can’t go wrong in choosing one very specific partner, your spiritual ally. Choose one supportive influence from the ethereal realm, as in Guru Ram Das, Mother Mary, Saint Germain, or whoever you emotionally resonate with. Make a pact with this heavenly figure, as in,

“You and me, we’re doing this; you’ve got me covered and I am Blessed.”

The number 2 is the “Longing to Belong,” and this longing needs to be elevated to the frequency of the one who never leaves you. Make this alignment the bottom line for your emotional equilibrium, and know that your safety net is now set for the year ahead.

We have a very powerful start-up date for any new initiative, and that is the New Moon on February 4th, at 2:03 MST. If you can sit quietly with yourself at this time, and allow for a space of stillness and receptivity, there is a new information signal (a sign or clue) you can receive.

You can also set an intention by saying to creative forces of the Universe, “What is it that I need to know?” By dwelling in the Shunia space (Zero point of ego), you can receive a new insight and/or clarity into your present circumstances. This will give you the ability to make any necessary adjustments, as well as set a new direction for yourself.

The idea of a new direction can be as simple as, “I no longer doubt my gifts and talents, and the world is a welcoming place for me to step into my excellence.”

Okay, now that you’ve got your house in order, let’s take a look at the rest of the world!

The Base number for February is a 5, and number 5 is the “Wild Card” number in the science of Numerology. This will be affecting the weather patterns on the planet, as well as people’s behavior. Not everyone is as lucky as you and me, knowing all the mantras and yogic techniques that we love and cherish.

Some people just have MTV and Fruit Loops for breakfast, which is typically not a good start to the day—a bit lacking in essential nutrients and a positive projective psyche. So, having said that, you need to be aware of other’s reckless impatience when they are not getting what they want. It will get a bit crazy at times, so be careful when driving, particularly at night. Number 5 is communication, and this combined with the overall number for 2019, which is a 3―just know that things can get aggressive if not down-right ugly when someone is off-balance.

Read the signs, and escape it before it escalates. Remove yourself from the parking lot, go shopping another day. Cross the street if you see two approaching pit bulls that are snarling as they are being walked by their Neanderthal owner. Know when to graciously acquiesce when someone is challenging you to get through a doorway ahead of you. Say something like, “You seem to be in a hurry, please go first.” This can totally diffuse a subtle attack on your well-being. And ladies, this is especially true for you, because as women we have a double Arc Line. You cannot afford to let yourself get negatively impacted by mindless aggression.

Keep to the high road and gracious flow of your own existence, thereby avoiding any negative resistance. Know that you are protected, and through your conscious awareness, never neglected. You are a part of this world’s greater unfolding, about to receive what your Destiny is still holding. Sat Nam, and may kindness and good fortune light the path before you.

Would you like to know more? Nam Hari can do a personal reading for you over the phone or by Skype. The numbers of your birth date hold the answers to your life’s creative magic and inspired potential. Nam Hari specializes in the area of relationships, and by revealing the parallel and diagonal lines of energy between you and another, a new dimension of understanding is achieved. Nam Hari also offers an independent study course in the science of Numerology. Contact: Nam Hari  575-305-0017  or  namhari17@gmail.com

Numérologie Décembre 2018 – Relaxez vous et réjouissez vous!

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ecember is a time of relaxation and rejoicing, as well as a time to reflect upon the lessons we have learned through our personal transformation this year.

The number 3 of December embodies the themes of nurturing, creativity, and a positive outlook on life. Throughout 2018 everyone has been through a dramatic emotional landscape that has challenged and redefined our personal boundaries. “Sink or Swim!” could be the caption for the freeze-frame of chaos, and now we must come to a point of equilibrium within ourselves.

Safe-guard yourself from repeating the negative emotional patterns which always seem to “set you up” for the fall. Conscious awareness is the key here, as it is essential to the survival of your nervous system, as well as your overall sanity.

December is a time where we don’t particularly feel like committing to anything. This is because the Base number is a 5, and number 5 likes to scream from the top of its lungs, “Don’t tell me what to do, and don’t make up rules for me!” Yes, let freedom ring, and don’t fence me into anything. So, if you are looking for a volunteer to bake five dozen cookies for the school fundraiser, it could be a long search.

Get it right in December, and what I mean by that is, don’t take the dead-end drama of your past and repeat it in the New Year.

An important aspect of self-healing is in having the awareness to see where the energy leak is, and fix it. Fix the leak, it’s that simple. As a component to this, recognize where the addiction to drama might be (yours or someone else’s), and don’t play into it anymore. Sort this out for yourself now, as next year will be starting off like a firecracker in a cyclone. You will need your reserve strength for yourself, unencumbered by obligations that might require you to compensate for someone else.

Sneak Preview: 2019 will be an intensely dramatic time on the planet, as the overall number of 3 (2+0+1+9 = 3), combined with the Gift of 10 (1+9 = 10), creates a perfect storm of Old School Authority vs. Aquarian Creative Excellence. The division between opposing forces of opinion will reach new levels of intensity, and we must choose to apply ourselves where we can be most effective. Working from a space of focus and clarity on one or two projects is better than scrambling and feeling overwhelmed by juggling three or four worthy causes. Know your boundaries and keep it together.

Okay, now back to the jolly month of December! I personally believe that life is the combined Art and Science of knowing when and how to apply yourself, and when to let the river gently guide you in the journey. December is more of a “let the river guide me” time, a time to relax, enjoy life, and decompress from the year. Treat yourself, splurge a little, and take a moment for reflective gratitude for the goodness in your life.

Many people are feeling like weary soldiers returning home from an invisible battle that no one else could see. You know what you’ve been through, so take a time-out without feeling the need to explain. Comfort yourself in the most simple of pleasures: good food, happy music, a hot bath, a walk in nature, time with friends, and whatever you instinctively know your Soul is craving. Indulge in the goodness of life, creating a sense of fullness and abundance that radiates into your presence on planet Earth. Do this for yourself, but also know that you are helping others to heal by being a lovely example of a high Spirit in a changing world.

An important thing to realize about the spiritual path is that not everything has to be hard.

There is a form of yoga called “Sahej Yog,” which means “the easy way.” In our theme of ease and flow for the month of December, I have a beautiful meditation to share, which is the Attitude of Gratitude Meditation. Yogi Bhajan has said of this practice:

“When you chant this mantra with the breath of life, you tap into all the angels of the Universe, including your own great ancestors who have a qualifying life as an angel. It’s quick. It’s fast. It’s purposeful. It brings in what you need.”

My goodness, this sounds real good to me! Sign me up for the Angels swooping on down to bring in the blessings, joy and comfort. And I think I’ll forward this link to a friend I know who’s been struggling a bit. Yes, good idea.

I haven’t mentioned a movie in awhile, so I’ve picked a good one for this holiday season. “The Green Book” is an excellent film based on the true story of a sophisticated Black man who hires a “from the streets” Italian-American White guy to be his personal driver.

Don Shirley is a classically trained concert pianist, and Tony Vallelonga is an unemployed ex-bouncer. A twist of divine fate connects the two, and they are somewhat unwillingly thrown together in a journey through the deep South during the 1960’s. For you youngsters out there, the 1960’s was not always the friendliest of times for a Black man trying to hold his head up high in the South.

This film parallels many social issues we still have at present, as well as showing the evolution of both sides towards a common goal and mutual respect. Humanity can learn something from “The Green Book” at this time.

May the hand of God guide you and protect you, may you find the Peace and Love you are now longing for, and may we meet again in the New Year. Kindest Blessing, Nam Hari.

Numérologie tantrique Novembre 2018 – Changement de donne

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The month of November brings epic change to the planet, as well as the opportunity to re-set ourselves in preparation for the New Year. There is a super powerful healing vortex of energy present this month, and we must use this energy to our best advantage for health and cleansing.

The number 11 represents divine alignment, and wherever you feel divided in your life, now is the time to sort it out. The Angelic realms are ready to assist, as the higher forces would like you to be “Ready-Set-Go!” in December, well ahead of the New Year.

It is interesting to note that the “higher forces” will sometimes use the most subtle and sophisticated of measures to shine a light on the right path. I am going to share a personal story with you from nearly 30 years ago that perfectly illustrates this.

I was nearing the end of a six year marriage, and in spite of the great efforts made in communication, compromise, and reconciliation, it was all going down the tubes. I can recall sitting in the waiting room of my doctor’s office, just before having to go downtown to sign the divorce papers. It was a sad day. While sitting in the waiting room I picked up a copy of “Reader’s Digest,” a magazine I enjoyed reading as a child. One of my favorite sections was “Quotable Quotes,” and I immediately turned to that page.

I slowly scrolled down through the quotes, and there at the very bottom I read something that would have blown me over if I hadn’t been sitting down. The quote was: “Whenever you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for.”

That was it, the story of the past six years in one line. Everything shifted at that exact moment as the Universe, and then myself, gave me permission to move forward.

This is the story of November, my friends: recognizing where the misalignment is, and correcting it. Eleven is divine alignment, and if you don’t have yourself first, you’ve got nothing else that’s gonna last.

One of the most powerful and fascinating facets of November is in its ability to reveal the multi-dimensional quality of your life’s lessons. Here is a perfect example of this. When a prism is held up to the light at just the right angle, there is a refraction of light that can be projected to a wall or surface in the room. This refraction of light, or rainbow, reveals a spectrum of colors. It will also reveal where there might be any cracks, flaws, or discoloration in the prism itself.

This month of November, because of the double 11’s present in the cycle (month=11 and overall year=11), has the effect of revealing where the hidden flaws are so they may be corrected.

You may find yourself becoming suddenly aware of coping mechanisms and emotional patterns that have been running and possibly ruining your entire life. The good news on this is that you can let it go and be done with it through your conscious choice.

Now, imagine yourself in a small rowboat, steadily rowing through the years of your life. You’ve wondered at times, “Wow, why is it so hard to row this little boat? Sometimes I just feel so tired.” One fine day you stand up and decide to reorganize your belongings, and as you do, you discover a 150 pound anchor that was hidden beneath a tarp at the back of the boat. Upon seeing the anchor you cry out, “Oh my, I’ve been rowing all this time with a 150 pound dead weight on board!” And the recognition of how much energy you’ve lost through this suddenly sinks in.

November is a time of liberation through awareness. Once you’re aware, you can change the game. We are in a “game changing” season of time, and the odds are very much tipped in your favor for a personal breakthrough.

What will help to heal any fracture that may exist in your mental prism is the “Hast Kriya: Earth to Heavens.” Yogi Bhajan has said of this practice, “Power will descend from above and clean you out.”

Eleven is the archetype of the Lighthouse, the steady presence of illumination given so that others may find their way. What is interesting to note about Lighthouses is that they never exist in an easy environment. They are always on the edge, near the crashing waves and ever-changing elements of nature. The storms and high winds come, yet the Lighthouse stands ever-steady at the edge of the chaos, shining its light so all may safely find their way home.

We are that light, and we are the prayer of Humanity realized through our presence and gracious glance. By dwelling in a simple steadiness we are now effecting a powerful change at a pivotal point in human evolution. Recognize how precious you are, and know that the prayers of the Angels are holding you ever so dearly at this time. Sat Nam.

“The biggest disease on this planet is self-stress. And that is the biggest handicap, folks. You must understand, there’s nothing more precious than self-healing.”
-Yogi Bhajan

Numérologie Octobre 2018 – Courage, Leadership, and Taking a Stand

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The month of October brings a time of increased self-awareness, along with the desire to pioneer a new direction in life. The number 10 embodies the themes of self-solvency, courage, leadership, and the ability to take a stand for the moral high ground. This is a time where you need to speak up for yourself, and break free from the emotional burdens or “contracts” that you have made with others.

Yes, often times in our Soul’s journey we make an agreement with another person(s) to complete an obligation or karmic lesson. Once the obligation or lesson has been completed it’s time to let go. For example, let’s say you agreed to help put someone through college. You may have felt a need to do this because in a past life there was only money enough in the family for one person to be educated, and that person was you, thereby leaving them to stay at home and milk the cows.

Now, in this lifetime, you agreed to pay for their education, and even though they’ve just graduated, they are still expecting you to supplement their income. The number 10 of October would say, “I have completed my responsibility to you, and you are now able to go out into the world and forage on your own.”

This is healthy for both sides of the equation, as your resources are liberated for new endeavors and the other person can empower themselves by moving forward and becoming self-sufficient.

There is an energetic link between the month of October this year, and the overall year of 2019. The 10 of October resonates with the Gift number of 2019, which is also a 10 (Gift is last two digits of year, 1+9=10). What we set into motion during the last 90 days of this year has a greater ability to take root and hold in the New Year of 2019.

Sneak Preview: 2019 is an intensely polarized time, where we will increasingly see the best of the best and the worst of the worst. There’s no sugar-coating this, and as I believe that information is power, let’s look at a few tips and pointers for proceeding into the New Year.

Number 10 represents the nervous system, as well as the skeletal structure. Creating a base of healthy eating habits that support your physical well-being is absolutely essential now. Get back to your roots, as in root vegetables that help you to stay grounded and feel supported. These would be potatoes, yams, carrots, beets, onions, garlic, etc. Make a tasty little casserole dish for yourself with these vegetables, adding in savory herbs with ghee or oil. Healthy oils (sesame, almond, coconut) have a calming effect on the nervous system and also help the body to absorb calcium.

Learn the art of balance and equilibrium. Yogi Bhajan once said of the number 10, “Not too much, not too little.” This is something he actually said to me personally, back when I was in my 20’s. I am a number 10 Soul, and because of a bad childhood script, my energy would vacillate wildly between overdoing to save others, and then falling into exhaustion. I had to reprogram myself to recognize when I was playing the “Rescuer” at my own expense.

Oftentimes people who experience Chronic Fatigue Syndrome are playing out an imprinted childhood script. This script has to do with the burden of selling out your own dreams and talents for the expectations of others. Most typically the “others” are your parents.

Now is the time to listen to your heart, as the Heart number for October is a 10 as well (Heart is month and Gift, 10+9=19=10). Number 10 represents loyalty, and if you have ever been guilt-tripped into being loyal to a person or unhealthy obligation, now is the time to break free and be loyal to yourself.

This is essential, as otherwise your nervous system will begin to suffer and potentially collapse from the strain of being untrue to yourself. Sometimes our body decides to take over and say, “Hey, wake-up, we’re not doing this anymore!”

A further point of interest is that the number 3 appears in the Base calculation (Base is month plus year, 10+11=21=3). Number 3 is the mischief-meister, so be careful of other people’s projections and promises as they may not all be genuine. Sometimes another person will send out a “baiting frequency” just to see if they can get you to react. This gives them a sense of power or control. You need to be the captain of your own ship and not waste precious time, energy, and momentum on illusions that will fade in the mist. Smarten up, and play your own game.

In the Positive polarity, the number 3 is creative, playful, and has an optimistic view of life.

Strengthen your navel point now by chanting the Tantric Har mantra, while pulling in on the navel point with each repetition of “Har.” Keep your awareness at the 3rd eye point while doing this. Practice for 5 to 11 minutes.

This meditation will allow you to instantly recognize the B.S. (bullshit), and keep yourself from being baited or fooled. Number 10 also represents our sense of pride, and the ability to keep that intact.

It’s all about the energy my friends, and preserving your precious core vitality. Then, from an elevated place (your 6th chakra) you can decide what is appropriate and how to maneuver through the sea of others’ expectations.

The demand level on consciously spiritual people is not going to lessen in these times; it will only increase. This requires an increase of self-love, self-kindness, and self-nurturing. The Universe will support you in this as you make a stand for your grace and sacred presence in the world. In the words of Yogi Bhajan:

 “All you have to remember is you. God rotates this Earth; God shall take care of your routine. In God we trust. Make yourself happy. Make others happy.”